Bitter sweet honesty

To all the women on here,
I've don't know how many times i've left and came back to this app. 
I was bullied on here and harassed for being r*** and ladies telling me that i wasnt and sent a "innocent man to jail" when i had proof, etc even though i was being sexual harassed and presured into saying yes even when i said no the first time. 
Their reason: i used my autism for an excuse (or did not rlly have it) and was begging for it. 
This app is suppose to be a clean, helpful and supportive app. 
I come back to see women tearing each other makes me cry. 
It really does. 
I get it some post may seem silly like "am i pregnat becuase he fingerd me, etc" or "13 and pregnat, etc" or more serious "abortion?" 
But it's not our job to make women feel worthless and fault or stupid. Or liars..
Yes there is such thing as being honest..but honesty does not come with a bite and rules of tearing someone down. You can still be respectful and honest. 
And some just do it for a rise. Which is  wrong
Next time your about to post somthing mean, hurtful, or somthing you wouldn't want said to you...
Please stop. Think. Because you have no idea about the person's life or just what the comment may do to a person. It could just push them over the fall dangerously. 
So help. Be kind. Think. Be respectful. 
If you see a post and you know you cant do any of those things..pass it. Keep on scrolling. 
Thank you.  
And thanks glow team and some
Some of the awsome suporting ladies who helped me and tons of other girls.