Can they tell?? Mothers with CATS! Help!!!!

C • 🦄 ✨Your average 19 year old princess✨🦄
So basically, I have a cat that can tell if a woman is pregnant. My cat is usually only nice to me and my family, otherwise terrified of strangers. Unless... They're pregnant. Then she DOES NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE.
She purrs and rubs herself all over the person's torso while drooling a little. 
She loves pregnant women and can tell even before they show! It's happened 5 times now. 
I have a NEW cat now, usually doesn't like being held or touched too much, but she always has to be in the same room as us or she cries. 
Anyway, I've been TTC and had some other minor pregnancy symptoms, such as dizziness and peeing a lot. Now, since last night, my cat hasn't left my side. She followed me twice in the middle of the night to pee, then got back into bed with me. She HAS to have a paw touching me at all times. 

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