For the women who don't feel pregnant...

If you haven't got that many symptoms, or if you have one or two out of many...just be grateful. Having been pregnant already, you won't feel pregnant until you have an actual bump that makes you look undeniably pregnant and when you start to feel kicks. 
I don't know if any of this makes sense, but pregnant isn't somwething you feel. Even at 12 weeks your baby is the size of a peach...and even your hormones all over the place won't make you feel pregnant, they'll make you feel ill, emotional, etc. But please, regardless of pregnancy and miscarriage history, do not worry if you don't feel pregnant because it isn't a feeling women generally get especially not at 4, 5, 8 or 12 weeks. For a lot of women it doesn't even feel real until you see and hear your baby's HB for the first time. So sit back and relax because soon you won't be able to. Be grateful you don't feel like crap every day, enjoy not feeling rubbish permanently. And don't worry because it doesn't do you any good.