
Wanna know what annoys me the most? When i know someone whos having a baby and i tell them i know someone whos selling a brand new bassinet or rockin play for 30$. So i tell them cause her and her bd are only 18 and 19. And i gotten some of my stuff used nothing to be ashamed about ya no? Anyways i tell her and she goes no. Im getting all my stuff new

Like i was agianst getting used stuff at first to but as long as my travel system and pack and play are new along with bottles clothes things like that i dont care im greatful.

I got my swing/bouncer and bassinet used HARDLY used at that looks brand new. It just erks me cause she messaged me agian saying ya unlike someone we know but thanks though and thats my childs aunt. Im just trying to be helpful in a way cause i know there young and there family dont have $$. And i get it like thrown in my face that i got used things.

Idk just erks me when im trying to be helpful