Mothers advice

Hi there😊 so im 15 about to turn 16 in a couple of months and i want to bring up the possibility being put on a birth control of some kind when i turn 16. I have been having certain feelings about certain things( you know like a normal teenager lol) and i want to tell my mom about it and about me having the possibility of being put on a certian birthcontrol that works for me. But you might have noticed by the way i tried to word this im very shy and dont speak out a hole lot about how i feel to anybody. And i would love some advise on how to kinda talk to my mom about this because me and my mom barely talk about sex in general so im kinda clueless and kinda nervous about bringing this up to her. So to the moms out there how would you want your daughter to come out and tell you about all this. Or if you been there with your mom and there is anything you could tell to help me tell her or ease into the convo that would help me so much!!