strange lumps

Caitlin🖤 • Vegan. Hippie. Artist.
the only two people I have ever slept with are clean (no STD's). Recently, my vagina has been rather dry and itchy (nothing too severe). Today, I checked it out and noticed fingerlike, very small bumps right by my vaginal opening. From what I saw, my vaginal opening was white-ish, and had clumps of white discharge that I could swipe off. Not stringy, but rather clumpy. I've had no other symptoms except slight irritation when touched. I've been rather stressed lately so I know my immune system isn't as strong as it could be. Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I've looked up my symptoms and saw that the fingerlike structures are normal for some women. Mine were arranged in a linear fashion.There are no warts or anything too alarming. You also have to get close to see the structures. I'm going to schedule an appointment with my doctor to check it out. Is it a yeast infection? Herpes? Irritation??