Failing in school and stressing

Update: thank you for reading and giving me advice , I plan on telling my so I've been having trouble and hopefully he won't be too disappointed in me, any advice on how I should bring it up and admit I've been lieing about my grades?😧😓
I'm failing 3 out of 5 college classes, I'm usually a B-C student but this semester over just been more stressed over all I have 4 Ds and 2 Bs, I've been telling my SO I've been doing good in school because I just don't want to disappoint him and I feel terrible for lieing  and now I just need advice how I should tell him I want to do the mature thing and tell him and not keep it a secret, plus I'm stressing because of next semester schooling I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it, no fasfa this time😰😦😓I know it's my fault in failing I've just been having other things on my mind and I doubt I'll raise my grades in the next two weeks before school ends