Early labour signs?

Hi im 34 weeks pregnant and Last night I woke up with really bad stomach cramps strong period type cramps and lower back pain, they got stronger and i managed to breathe threw them and thought for sure I was in early labour. Anyway my stomach felt really strange and I went to the toilet and had bad (sorry Tmi alert) 💩 at first I thought it was the Chinese takeaway I had but my partner was absolutely fine. The cramping slowed down but was still there and 10 minutes later I was been sick. I fell asleep still having slight cramping but wasn't too worried and put it down to the sickness and 💩 I'm still having slight cramps now not too bad though. Could this be a labour sign? What were your early signs? It's impossible to get my midwife she's useless at answering the phone so thought I'd ask here thanks