Sex during pregnancy

My husband and I used to have an amazing sex life... until I got pregnant this time. We suffered 2 miscarriages last year and got pregnant with this baby immediately after the 2nd loss. My dr never said we couldn't have sex...

So flash forward till now, we've had sex once. That was probably around 15 weeks. I'm now almost 34 weeks. I know sex is difficult at this point, but I sure would like to do it before the baby arrives knowing I definitely can't for 6 weeks after she gets here!! I've talked to him about it and he just says sex isn't that important and that he loves me blah blah... am I crazy for feeling like he just isn't attracted to me and our relationship is fading away? He doesn't initiate it, nothing. And knowing what our sex life was before, he's got to be taking care of himself in other ways and it makes me so upset! I get guys do it, but come on... you're going to be so selfish as to only worry about yourself?! Recently I've tried doing what I can to take care of me, but it's not the same. I want my husband! 😳

Sorry for the rant... all opinions and advice are welcome :)