Not sure what to think, girl or?? 💗

Anjelica • Layla Isabelle 💕
So today I had my 3D gender ultrasound at 18weeks and 2days, within a couple of minutes she told me it was a girl, but then she said she wasn't sure because the little nub was sticking out which almost indicated it was a boy but before I left she said at the moment it's a 80-90% it's a girl but couldn't give me a 100% positive answer so she said to wait till I'm 20-21weeks along then she should know for sure. She also said if she's wrong she will give me a complementary ultrasound for more photos of the right gender if she's wrong which made me think she's pretty positive with her answer. so I'm not really sure what to think.. Advice or opinions would be appreciated please :) Â