Depression?? Emotional? Anyone else?

V • DD:12/11/17...7th pregnancy...married 10years...1 miscarriage, 1 daughter(rainbow baby), 3 miscarriages, 1 son (rainbow baby), on 7th pregnancy. Total of 4 miscarriages. Just had a baby last year in Sept. 2016
I've been feeling depressed for about a week now. It's full force today. I'm feeling alone. I'm 18wks, married and have a 8year old daughter. My husband and daughter are very loving and my husband is completely involved with the pregnancy. He's excited we are having a boy as am I. But I can't shake off this feeling. My husband says it could just be the pregnancy and hormones. Anyone else feeling a little down? Or is it just my situation... And I've been crazy worrying...about things that don't even have to do with my pregnancy. I feel like crying all day and just staying in bed.