For the past couple weeks, I've been a bit moody

Ruby • Mother to two princesses 😍💕 1/18/17 👩‍👧‍👧 10/3/20
For the past couple weeks, I've been a bit moody. I thought I was PMSing but then two weeks went by with no period. Then I started having random cravings for pasta and I'm always nauseous. I took a pregnancy test last Sunday and it was very faint to the point you couldn't really see it, so I took another this morning and it was a BFP. The plan was to wait until Monday but I wanted to know now 😂. We didn't use anything but we have been trying for about 6-7 months now. I'm just shocked, excited and happy as hell lol. My husband even knew before I did, or he assumed. He doesn't know about the positive test yet.