General question


So, I do not want anyone to down talk me or be rude.

I am 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I was diagnosed with pcos due to irregular cycles and unable to conceive. Well, it finally happened after two years. My question about those genetic screenings they do early on to ensure the baby is healthy. Has anyone had any and what was the out come. I have read a lot but would like to hear some personal experience. I have heard of the harmony test and the rest that's called MT21 and it let's you know the sex as well as birth defects. I am thinking of having it done. I have a friend with a baby who is handicap and no offense to anyone what so ever but I cannot care for a handicap child and I'm scared, esp since it took so long to become pregnant. My questions to you..

Did you have one of the test and which one?

How long did it take for results to come back?

Were the results accurate?

Did it ever come back positive and then the baby be completely healthy?

Please I'm just looking for some personal experience.

Thank everyone!!