Turning a breech naturally, tips?

Hi everyone!
I have a 3.5 year old daughter and she was breech from my 20 week scan to the day I had my planned c section. 
I'm now pregnant with my second baby :) and I started to feel kicking/movement about 4 weeks ago. I felt the movement all up at the top, even saw a foot literally sticking out my skin like a little bump for 2 mins! ... 
I'm now 18 weeks and one day and for the past 2 weeks I can feel the kicking of feet way down below, exactly the way my daughter kicked! So I just know that this baby has turned breech. I had my womb checked during the c section and my womb was of normal shape etc. But you never know. But strange if this happens twice. I'm so wanting a natural birth :( 
Any tips on how to turn this baby? Yoga etc? Thanks in advance xx