Stripping Membranes.. Did it work for you??

Nicole • 26 years old and due in May with baby boy #3 💙💙💙 Been with the love of my life for 10 years and married for 4 ❤️
38 weeks today! Been dilated to a 4, 90% effaced, and constantly having terrible contractions from Prodromal Labor for the last month. My dr mentioned stripping them at my 37 week appointment and told me to think on it and if I was interested he would do it at my 38 week appointment which is today. I'm really considering it but would love to hear everyone's personal experiences.. How was it? Not to worried about the pain. This is baby #3 for me and I think I can handle the short period of pain. Just curious if it worked??. How far dilated you were? And if it did work.. How fast?? Thank ladies! ☺️

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