Welcomed my survivor (Evelyn )and angel (Angela) twins yesterday @ 10:51 pm. Started having what i tot were braxion hicks since Saturday but brushed it off till Monday because i had an appointment. Went in n complain about only to be checked and.....

I was already at 5 cm dilated. Rushed to ER and was a 9 within 2 hrs so they came. My angel passed @ 20+2 n i carried them both to 31 weeks exactly. Survivor weighed 3lb 13 oz n 15.5 inches . It was a bittersweet moment for us but i got to dress up my angel n held her as long as i wanted. Survivor in nicu but doing so well, i can see her 24/7. I thank God for his mercies n bringing us this far (11 weeks post demise of one twin) and PRAY for an uneventful short nicu stay!