My crazy birth story!

Leigh Ann
So I had 2 children already a 10 year old son and a 2 year old daughter, my labor with my son wasn't bad except for the fact that epidurals don't last very long for me nonetheless, 8 hrs, 45 mins of pushing he was here! 8.8.2005, then my 2nd omg epidural lasted a little longer but 15 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing on and off seconds away from an emergency C her big head was stuck in my pubic bone very painful for a long time, then wound up 1 week later back in the hospital with a kidney infection my children did a HUGE number on my bladder but my 3rd is the craziest story of all, at 36 weeks I was having very sharp pain all over my stomach and could barely walk so I went in they told me she was transverse that's why I felt the way I did, we scheduled a c section I did not want that procedure done where they manually try to move her into head down I heard nightmare stories and it's not even a guarantee so October 23rd last year I went in at 530 am for my c section they did an ultrasound at 6 she was still transverse, so we did all the prepping etc I'm on the OR table ready to get the spinal and my Dr says let's check one more time and don't you know she turned head down! Now that I look back I felt it happen around 730, so they gave me a choice to still do the c, be induced, or go home and wait it out naturally which I chose to do, she came 8 days later all day Halloween I kept having contractions but very irregular, so I stayed home bc I knew they'd send me home anyways so around 10 pm they got intense very fast and contractions were 1-2 mins apart we had our daughter and his son from a previous marriage there we had to call frantically to get my mom to come get them bc I had such extreme pressure we got to the hospital around 11, I had no time for an epidural as she was born at 1201 am Nov 1st 2 mins away from being a Halloween baby! I commend mom's who choose to go natural bc mother of god those 2 hours were pure hell I pushed my water bag bc I had the uncontrollable urge to push the fluid went flying in the air the nurse looked and she called my Dr and said it's time omg I was terrified 2 pushes though and out she came all 8 lbs 3 Oz of pure beauty sorry for the novel lol just wanted to share all details! She is amazing God love her! Juliana Joy 11.1.15 8lbs 3oz 20" it was all worth it!