She's here!!!

Ashley • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born 5.10.16.
Due to my placenta failing and her weight being suuuuuper low along with her fluid I was induced last night around 5pm at 37 weeks. After making it all the way to 10cm 100% getting ready to push her heart rate drop and i was rushed to an emergency c section. Born May 10 9:50am 3lbs 15 oz 17 inches. Izabella Rose is here and we couldn't be more in love. 
Other than her blood sugar being low and some testing needing to be done regarding her genitals she's healthy and perfect. My world is complete 💕
Update: still waiting to go home. Izy needs to gain a little weight and maintain her temperature once she gets out of the incubater to go home. Hopefully only a few days left.