My 3 year old jumped on my stomach. 24 weeks

Last night I was sitting on the couch and my son was playing around and jumped and landed right on my stomach. It knocked the air out of me and afterwards I had some back pain, but I don't know if that is related, and a few sharp pains. I didn't have any bleeding or leaking and I could still feel the baby moving. I stayed still the rest of the night but I had to go to work today. I worked 8 to 4, but near the end of the day I started having some pains in my side. Tonight my stomach hurts if I put pressure on the side he fell on and have been having sharp pains on that side. I can still feel the baby moving, still no bleeding or leaking. Could it just be bruised? Any advice? Going to call my doctor in the morning if it doesn't get better. My phone is out of minutes or I would have called today.