It was May 8th, Sunday night, I started having contractions earlier that day but they were irregular...


It was May 8th, Sunday night, I started having contractions earlier that day but they were irregular so I thought they were Braxton hicks contractions. Also I thought, this can't be really happening bc I wasn't due for another two weeks, May 21st, but later on that night they got worse so I called my doctor and she had me go to the hospital for a check up. As soon as I got admitted into a room they check and told me I was already 3.8cm dilated! The excitement, anxiousness, nervousness all rushed in at once, this was about to go down. They checked me about two hours later and I was almost at 6cm dilation. I tried going with natural childbirth but the contractions were getting really intense and when I was around 7cm dilated I had a hard time breathing during contractions and ended up getting epidural. Which then lead to a forceps delivery.

After a long 9 hours later, Monday morning, May 9th at 8:08 am my beautiful and healthy baby Adam was born. I couldn't have done without my husband and my mother (and epidural lol), even though my husband and bloody events don't do well together, he was right by my side the whole time ❤