E🧜🏾‍♀️ • @MystikAssFay

⚠⚠Parental advisory do not say I did not warn you⚠⚠

Hey ladies so I am about to share a very personal story with you guys and honestly if you are immature or close minded this is not the blog for you. I highly suggest you get the fuck out now 😆

& as a disclaimer: of course you always want to use protection when taking part in activities such as these because you could really hurt yourself 💁💁💁

My first time was like really messy. I never sat on anything that big before so I kept falling off 😅

I just remember moving my legs a lot and once I was done I was like "fuck my legs are really sore" 😅

Things were a little rusty and I didn't have any lube so I had to use oil and things then got really slippery and really wet💦💦

And to be honest the first time I did it I was really young so staying with my mom I couldn't do it in the house because she would have killed me so I actually had to do it outside🌳🌲🌳🌳

And I was actually very frustrated because I want it to go fast but I had to start off slow and take my time because you just can't start off and began riding IT like a  Rodeo 🐴the first time.... or the secind , or third or tenth.😑😑

So if you're ever considering doing good just know that it's going to hurt like I remember literally bleeding down there and having to put a Band-Aid literally down there because I was wounded.

Next time around I tried to switch it up and do it backwards and let me tell you that shit is not any easier. The mother fucker I was riding wasn't even doing anything so I had to put in all the work so I start getting exhausted and I'm like you know what I need a break. And I can honestly say on that summer day I learn that "sucking & deep throating a popsicle is the best way to cool off"

So I'm cool. Ready to try it again so I hop back on it and I ride that shit like a pro. like a mother fucking Champ. I was legit proud of myself but I guess I got too far ahead of myself and started moving too fast and caught a cramp in my ass and fell off... Rolled over to & realized I was bleeding again, looked up and saw my neighbor staring and laughing at me ( staying with my mom I couldn't do it in the house so I had to do it outside)

when I tell you that my heart dropped to my mother fucking stomach....

 I was so embarrassed... I didn't even look directly at my neighbor I just got up and went in the house

.... and that pretty much sums up my first time riding a bike