
Guys my parents have been fighting all week and they have been yelling at me for my grades and I have all A's my lowest grade is a 97 and I'm in 9th grade my brother has been yelling at me and calling me an idiot and telling me he hates me even tho I haven't done anything. I just broke up with somebody who I've dated for 2 1/2 years and it was because they said I was too depressed to handle. My life is too much to handle people say God always has a plan and he won't give you more than you can handle, but right now I feel like the world is crashing on my shoulders and I don't have an ounce of strength anymore. I feel like I need to end the pain but for everyone who does actually care about me I won't b/c it wouldn't be fair  to them b/c it isn't their burden to handle. I even asked my mom for therapy and she said no because people like us don't see shrinks, I've tried explaining how I feel but she literally sits there and says you are making things so much worse than they are, your life is perfect. I don't want attention from this post, I just need to hear something positive before I snap and do something I regret