
Lauren • In a relationship: 23/09/13❤️ 16 years old💁🏼
The last couple of days/weeks I have been feeling as though my boyfriend doesn't want to be with me... I don't know why? (Probs because people have said things about him being in a good couple with someone else) I feel so stressed and tired and don't know why either? I just don't know what's wrong and I'm always feeling down... My boyfriend comes to see me but he always seems annoyed at me 😒it was quiet a while ago that I realised he's come here but always goes out and comes back for only a little bit... I feel as though everyone else if more important😢 I have already got so much going on already to do with hospital appointment etc and he knows about it, I have also got my exams and the moment as well but just feel like this is all getting too much😭 even when I try to put the effort in, I get nothing back and sometimes he gets moody over me for it if I say anything but also he has realised I've been moody and he has been saying things straight the last few days like saying I need to sort out my attitude and stuff - but it's only coz I'm stressed, and more things like that.... (Which is hurting me)
I don't know if he wants to be with me or not?😭 I've been feeling so worried recently about it and crying nearly every night.
I also feel as though I'm doing everything wrong at the moment?😢