Help! 15 and possibly pregnant!

My boyfriend and I had sex about 2 and a half weeks ago and the condom broke inside of me but neither of us felt it so he came inside me. He didn't realise it had broken until he pulled out. My family is very very fertile and my mum had me at 16. The next morning we went and got the morning after pill before we left to go camping with family. The pharmacist said if I start experiencing nauseous, headaches or throw up I have to go back and get another one as it means it's not working. During the day while we were setting up tents and later through the night I stared feeling really nauseous. I went to the bathroom as I felt I need to spew but I didn't. We couldn't go back and get another pill as we weren't near any shops or a chemist.
Over the past 2-3 weeks I've been experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms such as; nausea, sore and tender breast, headaches, fatigue, emotional and moodswings, brownish-pinkish light spotting lasting 2-3 days about 10-15 days after, sensitive eyes and heightened sense of smell and bloating! 
I'm not due for my period until next Sunday but I've been stressing like crazy!! I can't get it off my mind!