I could use some advice!!


OKAY, my fiance and i have been ttc for about 7 months now. Last month i said I'm just going to stop thinking about it and just let it happen.

So last month Aprill 11th i got my period. But i got it a week earlier than i should. My period has never been irregular always a normal cycle. Its been 33 days since I had my period. My cycles are 24-28 days NEVER 33 or longer... I'm 6 days late and

Still no sign of period coming last month and this month we've been trying like crazy so every test i take i get a bfn ! I'm wondering when will be a great time to test! I'm anxious we really want this baby and with me being late for the first time all i want to see if a BFP!!! Has anyone else gone through this is anyone going through it now?