Advice is needed!!!!


Ladies i need advice!!!

My fiance and i have been ttc baby 1 for about 7 months now. Wasn't successful for a while last month i told myself I'm not trying anymore if it happens it happens. So we've been just going with the flow and the month i said i dont want to try my fiancr wanted it more and more. We bumped up our sex life 50x times more sometimss twice a day 3 times.

So as of Aprill 11th i received my period but it was a week early. I spotted for 3 days and had sex each of those days the last 2 days were heavy then just stopped suddenly. I was due for AF MAY 9TH. I'm 7 days late today no sign of AF at all.

My cycles has been normal since i was 15 I'm 25 now!

Is anyone experiencing this? When should i test because 3 days ago i got a bfn with first response 6 days sooner!!!