I found him 😑

kae • #1 blonde haired blue eyed boy; ttc#2 x 3.5 years
Nearly 2 years ago DH called me saying that he'd found out that my daddy wasn't my biological father. I cried, he cried. He vowed to help and support me in any way possible to find him, if I wanted to.
Fast forward to last Tuesday. I made the decision to speak to my mother about "him". I'd had plenty of time to think and I needed answers. She gave me his name and some information. Said she hadn't spoken to him in 26+ years. I began searching on ancestory.com, looking for anything. Sunday night, I found him. I confirmed with my mother, spoke with my dad and brothers and decided I wanted to contact him on Monday. DH is super frustrated. Saying this is stupid that I want to contact him. He's pushing back from me and acting like I'm a bad guy here, saying I've changed in the past 2 weeks. I'm at a loss.Â