Sex and movement confusion.....

Hey guys! So I'm 24 weeks tomorrow and I've been able to feel my little girl for a couple weeks now! So exciting right!?! Best feeling ever! 
 So me and my husband haven't had sex in probably 2 months. It's all me. He wants it, (but he's such an amazing man, he doesn't push me) but, I don't know how to quite describe it without sounding crazy. I just feel like since I've been pregnant (even when I couldn't feel her yet) I haven't wanted sex at all because of thinking she will know what's going on or something stupid like that and now that I can feel her it's even worse. I know it's not healthy to go this long without havin intimate times with my husband. I just want to know if anyone else feels like this?? I feel like if we do have sex, and she moves, that it's just gunna completely kill the mood and I'm going to feel like a horrible mom or something.
Ps I am a FTM and this is all new so please keep negative comments to yourself please!