Pee dark yellow somewhat like burnt orange

Before the negative imputs . 
I don't not have a yeast infection, nor bacterial infection, nor uti  , lots of discharge normal no smell nothing.  I know this b/c i been check this past week by my Doctor . 
I have been having pains Lower towards my pelvic very low sometimes I walk funny an slow I'm 31 weeks &5 days.
My question is for the last week I have been feeling like I really have to pee also told my doctor. I don't drink any drinks since probably 7 months ago I drink plenty water cranberry juices & juices only . My pee has a funny looking color .. An it smells & looks kinda like a fluid of some sort strong too Sometimes when im sitting it runs out on my undies ..
Do anyone know if it's my bag leaking fluids of some sort . Anyone experience this ? Anybody🙃😟