Slap in the face...

My hubby and I have been TTC for well over a year now. We have some really great close friends of ours who have a almost one year old. Today they surprised us and told us they were expecting. I am so happy for them but at the same time when they told us my heart instantly sank. 
They got pregnant with there first child the very first month they "tried" and then got pregnant again with there second saying if it happened it happens. 
I cried the whole ride home, it felt like such a slap in the face even though it was not meant to be. She even made the comment they almost didn't want to tell us because we have been TTC for so long. I am so happy for them and their growing family. At the same time I am so sad that conceiving doesn't come as easily for me and my husband. 
Anyone else go through a similar situation?