It'll buff out...(a long, depressing, rant post)


My fiance has been saying how he misses when I would do my hair and when I would do makeup. He misses how I was when we were first together. He misses "Goth Nikki" when I worked to put my style together rather than just throwing on what was comfy.

So today I decided to show him that I hear him by bringing back that old me for a bit. I did my hair. I did my makeup. I somehow managed to squeeze my pregnant belly back into my old clothes. And what does he do? He invites the friend I hate most over to look at his new bong leaving me alone because I won't have anything to do with it.

I tried to talk to him about it and his only response is to kiss me to make me shut up and say "it'll buff out" before leaving. All that time and effort I put into myself was for nothing. Don't get me wrong. He's an amazing and supportive guy. But I feel so hurt and so so worthless and I can't see myself doing this for him again...

I guess it's just me and my baby Oli tonight..