Please tell me pregnancy hormones are making me crazily paranoid?!

So I work at a sexual health clinic - and a patient who was in for testing and treatment (where he will have provided a urine sample) insisted on shaking my hand before he left clinic yesterday. I shook his hand briefly, then put hand sanitizer on the hand he shook straight after. After around 20 minutes (as soon as I could!) I went to the toilet, wiped myself as usual (this is what I'm concerned about!), then washed my hands thoroughly. I didn't think too much of it - it was only after a sexual health consultant said he had done the same to her, and told me I should never have shaken his hand as you can catch all sorts of STI's that way, if you touch your vagina after! She sent me to wash my hands again...  I am so paranoid that I have now caught something! Especially as I wiped myself with tissue in the bathroom with that hand. I'm almost 25 weeks pregnant and petrified... Help!!!