The beauty of your body

So I woke up this morning, all groggy from another restless night of tossing and turning, peeing, and heartburn.....I stare down with my evil eye to the Great Dane puppy taking up 99% of the bed, cuddled up with my pregnancy pillow he stole in the middle of the night, and snoring like a drunken sailor...and walk into the bathroom for pee break 67 to start my day.....then I catch a glimpse in the mirror....a belly.
Most mornings now a days I wake up with a little bump, at 17weeks the daily bloat makes me look like a gorilla with bad posture, but usually in the mornings it's settled down to a cute little pudge....this being my fourth I'm used to the way your body changes....but this being my first in 7 years I'm also amazed at how our bodies work as women. I mean, I am literally growing a tiny human inside my body...
I won't be one to tell you "pregnancy is a beautiful thing" all the time, I am not that woman...between the weight gain, the gigantic tits, the horrible gas, the constant heart burn, the puking, peeing, peeing on yourself while your puking...the hot mess of a 9 months we go through to hold our little angels is crazy....we get hormonal, we cry at the dumbest things.....I cried during a Knights Tale the other night even though I will never admit that to anyone who is not pregnant...we get angry, and sad, and scared and we constantly worry if everything we put into our bodies will harm this baby. We think will I be a good mom? We worry about finances, and supporting them, and what about those "teenage years". We rub our growing bumps and smile when we feel those little kicks, twists and turns, by week 30 we are begging for them to stop doing that at 1am when we finally fell asleep.
We count the days, the hours, the weeks, and the months down (5 months, 8 days, 21hrs, 49min, and 42sec until my due date if you're wondering)....we read our books, study names, plan the nursery, and buy those little outfits.....all while our body is preparing the bring life into this world....
Then, our body does it,our body brings a human life....whether it's by natural birth (you ladies are legit crazy by the way, I have mad respect but damn it hurts), birth that's managed by pain meds, or a birth that needed to be by c-section to ensure mommy and baby are healthy as can be...we do it. 
And in the end we have our little baby snuggled into our arms, and the real adventure begins....being a mommy
So ladies...well I like to call myself a "mommy warrior" rub those growing bellies, put on those ugly maternity clothes that are way overpriced and make you look like a bad day at Walmart....slip on those flats your swollen feet can barley squeeze into, and enjoy this horribly amazing, uncomfortable, crazy, few months that seem like eternity, but go so quick (remember, you may feel like a elephant but thank God your not, they're pregnant for YEARS)! Happy baby brewing !
(This is my, I don't look pregnant from the front..but holy hell the bump is growing look)