Freaking out

This is my pregnancy after my miscarriage. I miscarried in March. I'm almost 8 weeks now. I didn't mean to get pregnant again so quickly after. Now I'm scared to death that another miscarriage is coming. I spotted what seemed like a lot to me yesterday. I didn't need a panty liner or anything, but it was more than just a little pink. It was red. I guess it stopped shortly after I was aware of it. I stayed in bed the rest of the evening. I don't think I'm having cramps. Honestly at this point, every little sensation in my abdomen is freaking me out. We saw our baby's heartbeat on Monday and I just don't understand. My doctor wants me to get my HCG levels checked again, but I can't bring myself to do it. It's either going to happen, or it's not. The only comfort I have is that I'm not at this moment bleeding. It's all old blood now. I just feel so on edge like at any moment my world is going to disintegrate yet again.