Bfp after first IUI


Sending positive vibes for those who feel helpless-

4 weeks ago I was told that time was not on my side, I was told my chances of falling pregnant naturally were less than 1%. I agreed with my Dr that I would start <a href="">ivf</a> as soon as possible as time was not on my side. I'm 27 and was told my egg reserve was very poor for my age at 7000, I wasn't ovulating and had a cervix that was nearly closed. All reasons that I couldn't conceive. 4 weeks ago I immediately had a d&c and operation to properly open my cervix, a few days later I started my hormone injections in preparation for <a href="">ivf</a>, a week later an ultra sound showed my body didn't respond to the hormone injections at all... i was devastated, I'm 27... why.. why me. My Dr said that I really should have responded but that I had one 18mm follicle and that <a href="">ivf</a> would have to be cancelled but an <a href="">iui</a> was an option. One he thought was worthwhile. That day I had my trigger shot, and an <a href="">iui</a> the following morning. 2 weeks later I went for blood test, I couldn't answer the phone as I was dreading hearing the bad news, I checked my voicemail at work and couldn't belive it.. a BFP!

With in a 4 week period of going to the dr to this present moment... i am pregnant. My 1 follicle was all I needed. I am hoping for a sticky pregnancy as I had a missed miscarriage 4 years ago and never really got past it, I have been off my pill for 3 years with nothing and thought that I would never, ever fall pregnant. And here I am. Pregnant.

What got me through this long and sad period of longing for a baby was trusting in God's plan and trusting that I would be blessed when the timing was right.

Baby dust to all. ❤