Trouble with my hsuband

So here is the back story my husband and I have been together for 9 years now he was my first in everyway. I love him more then anything. About 2 months ago he found out that I had been lying to him about money stuff. Now I'm willing to admit that I did wrong I should have told him the truth right away but I didn't. I'm not expecting him to forgive me right away or anything I know I have to earn his trust back.

Well I'm at my brother's right now helping him out because his wife had surgery and I'm taking care of there kids. All we have done since I left is fight about sex about how I don't feel conferrable doing certain things I.e. anal. He has now told me that he is giving me a free pass to have sex with someone else while I'm here because " it will make me more confident sexually" which I think is bullshit. He says lots of people would take a free pass and do it I tell him I'm not like most people which I have been telling him for years he always says most people do this or do that and I always tell him I'm not most people.

See I'm so confused why he would even suggest it I don't know if this is his way of saying we are over or if he has done something he is scared to tell me because he knows that will end our marriage but the truth is I don't see him as a cheater he has been cheated on and he said it was the worst feeling.

I just don't know I don't know what to do what to think any opinions would be greatly appreciated.