Is there anything else i can do to boost my milk supply?

👪 5/6/2016🚜👣

My baby is now 15 days old. I was seriously engorged when my milk came in, he was gaining weight & then when I wasn't engorged any more, my supply plumeted! I have no idea what happened. But he began cluster feeding like a crazy person like I was being woken up every 30 minutes to feed. I thought he was having a growth spurt. Well apparently not. At his 2 week appointment, he had lost 3 oz from his birth weight 😥😥😥😥😥 the doctor told me I needed to pump & supplement with breast milk. Luckily I had already started storing some while I was engorged. So I've been giving him boob whenever he wants (but he just falls asleep immediately anyway). After he's done nursing I offer him a bottle & I pump out whatever may still be in my boobs. I also pump between his feedings. I've been doing my best to drink more water & eat small meals, despite being too stressed out & sad to have much of an appetite. When I do pump between feedings, I can usually get between 1.5-3oz (total). When I pump after he nurses to empty them, it's usually 1/2-1oz.

Is there anything else I can do to boost my supply? This is seriously the worst feeling in the world that I can't feed my baby. I find myself crying & apologizing to my baby when I know he's sucking on empty boobs.