Momma's boys


This is just a rant that I've been holding in for a while.

When my boyfriend and I first started dating he was the BIGGEST momma's boy and it drove me up a wall. It especially made it worse because she didnt like me at first and he would always take her side. It would even go as far as me making dinner for him and one time he was like "oh thats not how my mom does it" and that set something off in me idk why (keep in mind he was 21 at the time). Well I'm happy to say we no longer have that problem because one day when she kept trying to complain and make problems for us he finally snapped and was like "mom! Stop! I love her okay!? And you're not going to change that!" Was i proud he yelled at his mom? No. But i was happy he finally stood up for our relationship.

Well now my cousin just had a baby a week ago and she had the same problem, but worse, with her boyfriend (father of the baby). His mom kept trying to interfere and control their relationship and deliberately create drama/fights between him and my cousin. For a while he took his mom's side and almost ended the relationship with both my cousin and his own child. I think he finally stood up to his mom too but we'll see, it's only been about 2 weeks.

Moral of my rant, anyone else have bad experiences with momma's boys?! It seems like I'm seeing overboard stories like this where the guy just won't stand up for his own relationship. And whats with mom's trying to control their son's relationships?? I'm not saying choose either mommy or me but most mothers of momma's boys put their son in that position for some odd reason. I just don't understand it. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has seen this/had bad experiences with it.