Sex & miscarriage

Is it bad that I want to be intimate with my husband 3 days after a miscarriage? I was given cytotec to induce the miscarriage. A third blighted ovum.. I'm still bleeding but we used to have period sex.. Would it be "wrong" of me to have sex after miscarriage while still bleeding? I have this strong desire to be intimate with him. It's been in my mind all day. I don't know why. I feel almost guilty about it but I'm not sure I should feel that way. Help! 
Answers to your questions:
•Gyno did not say anything. Only said its best I not try for another baby at this time. 
•I wasn't ridding myself of the pregnancy on my own. I was going into the 12th weeks with an empty sac. So doctor had to give me an abortion pill. Therefore induced.