3hr GD results


I took my 3hr GTT on Saturday morning early. The lab tech pricked my finger to check my sugar before the start of the test and the meter said 97....here are my final results:

Fasting 106

1 hour 234

2 hour 200

3 hours 95

First question.....my finger prick and blood draw were a mere 2-3 min apart....how was my draw 9pts higher than my finger prick reading?

Second question....dropping 105 pts in an hour is crazy isn't it? I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia almost 12yrs ago (over production of insulin) and only when I'm pregnant does it ever level out and I feel great during my pregnancies.

All of this is new to me as my first two I passed all my tests. My next appt with my MW isn't til June 4th and I will be just over 31wks then.