Do you think this is implantation bleeding?

Kristina • Finally got our miracle baby - now to prevent pregnancy.
Hi all!! first off I'm aware that nothing can tell me for sure besides a pregnancy test.  I just want your opinions.  My cycle varies between 29-34 days.  My AF is due on Wednesday (glow is counting on a 34 day cycle this month) On Saturday I got some mild cramping and thought ohh my period must becoming a little earlier in my normal window this month....and then I got this little pin size spot on tp of red blood.  Teeny weeny.  Since then I've had either super light pink barely noticeable on TP and/or light flow and not increased at all. I basically have to go "searching" for it if you know what I mean.  Nothing on my undies just on Tp and no clots. And cramps are gone...just off and on boob pain and joint pain (knees and back) Now to the reason why I haven't tested birthday is on Thursday and I've been praying for this all month and asking God to give me a baby for my birthday.  So I promised myself I'm not going to test until then...this is our 13th month trying .  What are your thoughts?

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