I have been TTC for 2 months for the past 3 Iv been having constipation severe headaches some discomfort in my lower back and around my uterus been havin a lot of white discharge some pains in my stomach been gettin random butterflies and the last week Iv been sneezing constantly and itching all over my body and getting hot flashes and Iv been bloated a lot and I'm exhausted all the time I just wanna sleep and when I go to bed I basically blackout because I'm so tired. My period is due Friday but I have no signs of it yet usually I get severe cramps but I didn't yet. I took a test last night it was negative but it took a long Time like almost 5 minutes to fully complete it. I'm ganna take another test as soon as I wake up a couple days after I'm supposed to get my period. Could it have been a false negative?