Vitamin B and delayed ovulation.

I am like clockwork... normally. Like you can set your watch to my cycle... until this month. 
This month I tried taking some Vitamin B. Various reasons... Hoping to extend LP by a few days and also hoping to clear up my skin. 
The Vitamin B pushed my ovulation back by around 6 days! I was about to give up doing the OPKs thinking I had just not ovulated this cycle and I will try again next cycle (where at the start I have a HSG booked)... 
I stopped taking the Vitamin B two days ago because I wondered if it was the cause of not ovulating and did a couple of tests after that. 
No smiley face this morning... Then boom. Smiley face this afternoon. 
Poor hubby is exhausted because (as normally I would have ovulated six days ago) we have been on that schedule and now I need him to perform for another couple of days! 
So yeah! Be aware! Vitamin B can delay your ovulation!