Are you a nurse or doctor? Help please!

Please bare with me as this could get a little lengthy. I was running in sandals at the dog park (I know I'm not the brightest) and I guess there was the roots and little branches of a bush that existed once upon a time. I hit my foot right on it. It went in between my sandal and my foot and I have a slice out of my skin. It's not normal for me to swell or bruise even if I've sprained or done something similar to that. The slice.. I can't even feel it unless I stick my finger nail in it. But four of my five toes (not my big toe) are a little swollen and the pain spread from the top of my foot to behind my ankle and up to my knee (if I'm on it too long) in a matter of three days. It's getting more painful. Then tonight I slipped in the shower on it and now it hurts worse. I can limp and I can put some pressure on it, and I can move toes but it's a little difficult and uncomfortable. It hurts to touch in some areas. What do you think I could have done? A small fracture? I looked on google and didn't find anything helpful. Please note: I didn't have bruising or swelling on a foot injury that I had a walking boot and two casts for. Your help is greatly appreciated. I don't want to be laughed out of the doctors office. It's a tad tingly since slipping in the shower. Please help  (I didn't know where to post this)