How do I tell my still-struggling-to-get-pregnant friend that I succeded


Ladies! I am only 5 w 3 d pregnant but I want to shout it from the rooftops because 2 years ago I had a MC and was devastes when I couldn't find the support I needed because no one even knew I was pregnant ( I was hiding, just "in case something happens"). I felt that no one could feel the pain of a life lost because they didn't get excited about the idea of this baby in the first place.

Any way, this time I want to do things differently - tell my close friends and family, and just be happy, for as long as God let's me.

One of my close friends has been struggling with PCOS, without any success. She had surgery, hormonal treatments - no result so far. How do I tell her that I am Pregnant?

I know that horrible jealous-ey feeling followed by guilt, that I used to get when I saw other girls get pregnant and go ahead to have healthy babies. I felt like a horrible human being, but the feeling was hard to fight. I don't want my friend to feel that way - it is very painful.

Should I keep it secret for a couple of months and pray that she gets pregnant too? But that way she will be left out... Or should I just tell her now, when I tell the rest of my close friends?

I know this might be a stupid question but I really don't know what to do here.

The issue goes away if I lose my baby tomorrow, which I pray will not happen...