Sad story with a happy ending (sorry its kinda long) I just wanted to share

Back in August 2015, there was a situation with me in an ex that ended up effecting my reproductive health. As much of a worry wart I am, I went to the hospital to get checked out to make sure I was OK in October. Unfortunately, I ended up being told that I wouldn't be able to have kids.I was devastated, because having kids was something I completely looked forward to in the future and just like that, it was taken away from me :(.

The worst part was that my ex, who caused my problem, had cheated on me with one of my former friends, & she had gotten pregnant with his child. That completely killed me. Not so much that he had gotten another girl pregnant, but that these two bad people had a child on the way, meanwhile, I can't even conceive anymore.

Around the time I found this out, I had gotten into a new relationship with a close friend of mine, who comforted me throughout this whole ordeal. He knows how badly I wanted kids & how bad I was hurt. I told him I was going to look into adoption & that he didn't have to help me take care of the child, if I found one, since we weren't married & he honestly didn't want kids. But he told me he'd help me if I went through with it and adopted a child.

January 2016, he had came over to my house and spent the night with me. "Things" happened that night :3 The next day marked 2 weeks before my period was supposed to come, therefore, my PMS was about to flare up. But I felt funny this time around.

Usually my PMS consists of slight breast tenderness and bloating for a day or two and a regular appetite. This time, I felt extremely nauseous. My breasts were killing me and I was bloated for a LONG time. I was up ALL NIGHT eating EVERYTHING in sight. I was thinking to myself "this period must be about to be serious." I was also more tired than usual. I usually spent my days off from work with my friends, but all I wanted to do was sleep.

4 days before my period, I was job hunting with a friend. We took a break and went to Walmart & something in my head was telling me to buy an HPT. I kept thinking to myself "wait, no, it can't be. I don't wanna waste my money." I couldn't help but keep walking pass the HTPs like "maybe I should buy one. Wouldn't hurt to let my conscious down a little." In order to not waste my money, got the 88¢ test. I stopped and thought "wait it is only 4 days before my period, I might not get an accurate result." So I bought 2. One to take that day and one to take on the day of my period.

When I got home, I immediately went to the bathroom and took the test. I didn't look at it for a while, feeling like "this may be a complete waste of time." After a while, I decided to look at it to see the result. To my surprise, I saw a faint line. My jaw COMPLETELY dropped. I thought that it might be a mistake since it was a cheap test, so I tested with the other one as well to see if it would get the same result. And it did! Another faint line! I was completely confused. I asked my bf if he could take me to Urgent Care the next day to see what they say.

He took me the next morning to see if this was real or just a mistake. I was called to the back, and explained everything. The thing back in October, my symptoms, the positive tests, etc. The doctor told me to do a urine test so they can confirm. After I did it, I waited in the room for THE LONGEST for her to come back with the results. I was so anxious and my mind was all over the place. She finally came back, with a big smile on her face and told me "well we did the pregnancy test and you DEFINITELY ARE pregnant. No faint lines, they were both DARK."

After asking me several questions, she told me she would come back with my paper work then release me and congratulated me once again. Once she left the room, I began crying. I was sooooooo happy. I could NOT believe what I had just heard. I just thanked God over and over and over. I told my bf after we left the doctor because I wanted to surprise him. Even though he didn't want kids, he was still happy for us, & he was still happy to hear he was going to be a father.

That was all back in January. I am now a full 5 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy. I've heard his heartbeat, I've seen him on ultrasounds, I couldn't be any happier! I thank God everyday for making this miracle happen for me. The ironic thing is I'm due in October, around the same time that I was told I couldn't have kids, October 6 2016. I CANNOT wait to be able to hold and kiss and cuddle and everything else my little bundle of joy !! 😊😊👶👶❤❤❤