Anxious and ttc

I have one son who is 8 months old. Well before I had him my period was like clock work. It was very regular, so I didn't have to worry about things venturing off. Well then after having my son in Sept. 2015, two months after he was born my hubby and I decided to get on bc. We ended up going with Skyla (IUD). Fastforeward, May 2016. We decide to remove the IUD and start ttc. Well I had my af may 11-16th. I had sex on May 17th and 18th, then had my IUD removed on the 19th. We then proceeded to have sex on May 21, 23, 25, and 28th! My ob along with two different ovulation calculators said that my fertile window was may 25-30th. From the beginning of my fertile window I had watery cm, then today I began having ewcm. Since about feb on the IUD I have had regular periods. I want to say that I am ovulating, but I am not for sure. This is my first time ever starting to take notes on things. I just would like to know if anyone has experienced quickly getting back into regular cycle and ovulation after IUD removal. I have so many questions, but it's hard to find the right answers. If anyone would like to comment it would be greatly appreciated, thank you!