Stressed out momma


So I'm going to be a FTM and I recently stopped working BC I just couldn't complete my job duties, my job didn't pay much but it paid the bills. Yes my bf is in me and baby's life but I don't like asking him for things BC I'm the self sufficient type and he does so much for not only me but ALL of his family members. My mom is disabled and cannot work and has waited 5years for social security disability, she is currently on cash assistance getting only 400 every month and in thousands of dollars in debt with the water, gas, electric, rent all combined. My dad has a felony record and has a hard time finding a job but works odds and ends to spend all his money on lottery tickets and beer.

At this point I am ready to go back to work swollen feet back hurting bloody nose and all BC I need to be able to get prepared for my son's arrival. Its absolutely ridiculous and I'm nervous that the government will have me wait a whole month before receiving assistance and then that'll put me in debt.

Before some of you say oh ppl never wanna work that has never been a problem I love working, I'm a damn good worker and would do it if I could but I can't... by the looks of it I'll probably Just have to go back up until I'm pushing my baby out