Something weird is going on...

Anzel 🇿🇦 • Happily married with a beautiful little girl (2019) 🥰 and four angel babies (05/2016, 05/2020, 10/2020 & 09/2021).
I had a miscarriage and D&C on the 13th of May. I am on CD17 today and have been testing for ovulation since CD11 - It has been negative every day, even this morning. 
So this morning, I went to the bathroom and got a big glob of pink CM. I know it is not due to ovulation as I tested twice yesterday (morning and evening) and this morning, and the OPK is still negative. It is also not from sexual activity, as we were intimate last on CD13. I am experiencing uncomfortable AF like cramping near my ovaries for the last two/three days. I thought it might be my body gearing up to ovulate, thats why I tested twice on CD15, twice on CD16 and this morning - all negative OPKs. 
So now I am wondering - Is it possible that I ovulated at the end of the first week after the miscarriage and that this pink glob is implantation? Or what other reasons for pink glob like cm can there be at this stage in my cycle?