Can a person change? Dv and alcoholic

Do you think a person is capable of change? While I always thought I was so different then the person who stays with a man that physically abuses her. I'm not.

I have been with my husband for 5 years and he has physically attacked me 3-4 times since December when he has been drinking.

I know I need to leave, at this point I'm not brave enough. Money is a huge factor. I also know this isn't him, I dk what's wrong w him, I have tried to get him help. But you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves, he has been to see an addiction counselor and we were doing great for about a month.

This is the worst it's ever been. I'm disgusted with myself for not calling the police. But I can't bring myself to ruin his life with that, despite what he has done to me.

Please don't comment that I'm weak or that I need to go to a shelter- there are none in my town and I have locked myself in a safe room.

I'm asking if you think a person can change and if you or someone you know have been in this situation and what they did